Cq sports bundle

Cq sports bundle


  • small 1-8

  • medium 8-12

  • Large 12-18

  • x large 18-22

  • 2x 22-24

  • 3x 24-26


Our short gym waist cincher for walking and exercising , one roll of osmotic wrap that contains algae and 8oz triple action gel, This gel burns fat, smoothes cellulite & firms skin (keep refrigerated) For firming skin apply it at night & cold around your stomach, legs, thighs or arms and wrap with osmotic wrap.For fat burning apply around stomach with osmotic wrap under waist cincher .

1-Short gym cincher
1-Triple action gel
1-roll of osmotic wrap
This board helps keep your rods in upright position if you sit for long periods of time it prevents your cincher from bending and forming pockets in the front area of your stomach.

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